Resources for a City in Crisis
Fruitvale currently has among the highest COVID-19 rates in the country due to a devastating confluence of housing and labor injustices.
Neighborhoods hardest hit by the pandemic tend to be the poorest, and consistently have the worst air quality. The poor air quality in Fruitvale makes our residents even more at risk of suffering severe COVID symptoms. Fruitvale residents are also disproportionately essential workers, which means they are more at risk for COVID-19 exposure and to not have the safety net of paid leave if they get sick.
Oakland can—and should—address this inequality and public health crisis in several ways. I want to:
Further fund existing community clinics, so they can increase capacity and decrease wait times.
Lobby the state and county for funds to support our essential workers, so they can afford to stay home and curb the spread of the virus.
Re-allocate funding to build up local stocks of pandemic-preparedness supplies, similar to what needs to occur on a national level.
Take steps to further Housing Justice.
This pandemic is far from over, there is a lot of work to be done to protect our residents, and Oakland needs strong leadership fighting for our most vulnerable community members.